terça-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2010

Impala na lista dos 10 melhores sons

O que seria de Supernatural sem  Impala? Não seria a mesma série, com certeza. Por isso mesmo, o site SFX elegeu os 10 melhores sons de sempre, onde consta o som do Impala ao arrancar.  Eis o que eles dizem sobre o carro dos Winchester.

"Supernatural’s trusty motor just beat out Knight Rider’s KITT (“Woowoo! Woowoo!”) for the prize of best car sound effect. Not only is the Winchesters’ 1967 Chevrolet Impala a beautiful thing to look at – if we were Dean, we’d never take it out of the garage for fear of scratching it, let alone drive it thousands of miles a year across America in all weathers and leave it parked outside crappy motel rooms where someone could steal it and honestly, have you SEEN how dirty it looks sometimes?
…Where were we? Oh yes, not only does it look good, it also comes complete with a deep, growly, rumbling rrrrrrrRRRRRR of an engine and squeaky, clunky doors which open and close with a satisfying CRUNCH that make our teeth go funny (which may be an in-jokey reference to creaky haunted house doors, but then again that may just be our overactive imaginations). All the sounds, incidentally, are added afterwards in post-production – and we love them to bits. As does Dean, as the clip above proves."

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

ja sonhei em ter este carro.. adoro <33